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over 1 year ago


What aspects of the town make Shrewsbury great?

• Its historic buildings

• Variety of shops

• Green space

• The street layout

• Quality of housing

Why do you say this?

Because of the arrangement of historic buildings and street layout, and because the place hasn't been totally demolished in the 60s, the big bland shopping buildings that blight many towns has escaped Shrewsbury. Hence the buildings are more quirky and there's a greater range of independent shops, cafes and restaurants. Adds to its charm when walking around.

What buildings and public spaces say 'this is Shrewsbury'?

• The Quarry

• Rowleys House

• Shrewsbury Market Hall

• The Old Market Hall and the Square. For me this is top of the list.ges of Shrewsbury.regethr are iconic about Shrewsuryese toegethr often feature - often featured

Why do you say this?

They tend to be bigger, more prominent stand-alone features. Would also include the Castle and Shrewsbury railway station, which are located close together and create a sense of arrival.

Thinking about new development in the town, what would you most like to see?

  1. Green space

  2. Office / co-working spaces

  3. Shops

  4. Places to sit and relax

  5. Places to socialise

  6. Homes / residential

  7. Bars and restaurants

  8. Leisure activites

On the question of homes, what type of housing would you like to see in the town?

• Converted buildings into houses

• Converted buildings into flats

Looking at the six images, which one captures 'Shrewsbury' best for you?

n buildings by river

River: Buildings and spires

Why do you say this?

Spires are very pronounced feature of Shrewsbury and its skyline and the River Severn wraps itself around whole town centre.

Looking at the four images of houses, which building type says 'this is Shrewsbury?'

terraced housing

Terraced houses

Why do you say this?

They form a significant part of the residential areas on the town's edges (Belle Vue, Castlefields, Cherry Orchard, Copthorne) and create attractive yet, desirable and very functional housing.

What would you change?

It's not clear if you're asking about the actual image or the type of development represented in each image. The 2 apartment examples aren't great

Looking at the six images of commercial or civic buildings, which one says 'this is Shrewsbury?'

high street

Retail shops on High Street

Why do you say this?

Historic, unique, aesthetically pleasing - the reason why Shrewsbury doesn't look like other towns.

What would you change?

They all have a role - new and old - depending on site and its relationship to the town. Each is a product of the times and Shrewsbury's needs at the time.

What aspects contribute to a well-designed building?

• Appropriate/quality materials

• Responding to heritage

• Responding to local character

• Appropriate scale and height

• Architectural details

• Doors and windows or shopfronts facing the street

• Diversity in use

• Diversity in roof form

• Environmentally sustainable

Which of the four street images best says 'this is Shrewsbury'?

high street

High Street

Which of the four public open spaces best says 'this is Shrewsbury'?

Quarry - play park

Quarry - The Dingle

What aspects contribute to a well-designed street or public open space?

• High levels of pedestrian and cycle use

• High quality street furniture such as places to sit, bins

• Well defined with shops and buildings

• High quality materials

• Accessible paving

• Trees and planting

• Good lighting

What do you like or not like about Riverside?

There are different parts of the Riverside. The Quarry is pedestrianized , green, and tranquil. The riverside along Smithfield Road is neglected, out of sight and traffic-dominated.

What do you like or not like about Frankwell?

Feels a bit cut-off from the main town, so don't go there for anything - just drive through it. But at the same time, its separation gives it a bit of mystery.

What do you like or not like about the West End?

Not sure what you really mean by the West End. If you mean by Rowley's/Barker Street, then this is another area you drive through or park in.

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over 1 year ago


What aspects of the town make Shrewsbury great?

• Its historic buildings

• Variety of shops

• Green space

• The street layout

• Its bars and restaurants

Why do you say this?

I love the variety of independent shops and restaurants in Shrewsbury - its a real draw to the area and why I love to live here. I love the contrast of modern and old buildings and I have a special love of historic buildings - Shrewsbury has some beautiful architecture. The quarry is an incredible green space in the heart of the town and I would love to see more green space incorporated into the town itself

What buildings and public spaces say 'this is Shrewsbury'?

• Rowleys House

• Mardol (the Street)

• The Quarry

• Shrewsbury Market Hall

Why do you say this?

Rowley's house is an incredible building and a Shrewsbury landmark. The quarry is a very special place and Mardol has the feel of a traditional market town street that typifies Shrewsbury

Thinking about new development in the town, what would you most like to see?

  1. Green space

  2. Places to sit and relax

  3. Places to socialise

  4. Office / co-working spaces

  5. Shops

  6. Leisure activites

  7. Homes / residential

  8. Bars and restaurants

On the question of homes, what type of housing would you like to see in the town?

• Converted buildings into houses

Looking at the six images, which one captures 'Shrewsbury' best for you?

nbuildings on Castle Street

Townscape: Castle Street

Why do you say this?

the street scape here is typically Shrewsbury with the juxtaposition of the direct ages of buildings and greenery also the amazing roof line

Looking at the four images of houses, which building type says 'this is Shrewsbury?'

terraced housing

Terraced houses

Why do you say this?

the traditional red brick homes feel more Shrewsbury than the other images

Looking at the same four images of houses, which one would you change?



What would you change?

I don't think it is sympathetic to the existing architectural language of the area. It feels too large in scale and does not satisfy my need for character and architectural detailing

Looking at the six images of commercial or civic buildings, which one says 'this is Shrewsbury?'

high street

Retail shops on High Street

Why do you say this?

I think this range of buildings is stunning and represents Shrewsbury's rich past

Looking at the six same images of commercial or civic buildings, which one would you change?

severn Theatre

Severn Theatre

What would you change?

I personally feel that the desig of the theatre was not regerously challenged and as a result it looks 'clunky' and underdeveloped in terms of sophistication and detailing. There are some nice design features but on the whole I feel the design looks unresolved and the choice of materials is poor given the way they have been put together and have weathered over time

What aspects contribute to a well-designed building?

• Appropriate/quality materials

• Responding to heritage

• Environmentally sustainable

• Architectural details

• Appropriate scale and height

• Responding to local character

Which of the four street images best says 'this is Shrewsbury'?

high street

High Street

Which of the four same street images would you change?

Victoria Quay

Victoria Quay

What would you change?

I would increase the connection of the street to the river - in terms of creating more spaces to stop, rest, eat and enjoy the view of the river. I would create more of a social area the length of the river

Which of the four public open spaces best says 'this is Shrewsbury'?

Bear Steps, Butcher Row

Bear Steps, Butcher Row

Which of the same four public open spaces would you change?

Old Market Square

The Old Market Square

What would you change?

I would change the modern block that fronts the square. I feel it is in such a prominent position in the town and does nothing to enhance the incredible historic architecture of the old market hall

What aspects contribute to a well-designed street or public open space?

• Lots of activity life from surrounding usesption

• High levels of pedestrian and cycle use

• High quality materials

• Good lighting

• Well defined with shops and buildings

• High quality street furniture such as places to sit, bins

• Accessible paving

• Trees and planting

• Play

What do you like or not like about Riverside?

I dont like that it is one of the main routes into our beautiful town and it does not do the town centre justice. It looks tired, unconsidered and thrown together

What do you like or not like about Frankwell?

I like the character of Frankwell and the mix of architectural styles. The theatre could do more for the area architecturally but in general I like the feel of Frankwell. I don't like that it feels physically detached from a pedestrian perspective

Do you have any specific interest in Riverside, Frankwell Quay and West End?

No - other than being keen to seeing our town at its very best

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over 1 year ago


What aspects of the town make Shrewsbury great?

• Its historic buildings

• Variety of shops

• Green space

• Its bars and restaurants

• The street layout

• Leisure facilities

• The River Severn, riverside walks & bridges; proximity to the Shropshire & Welsh hills

Why do you say this?

The River Severn is fundamental to the town and the town's location relative to surrounding towns, villages and countryside is important.

What buildings and public spaces say 'this is Shrewsbury'?

• The Quarry

• Mardol Head

• Mardol (the Street)

• Victoria Quay

• Shrewsbury old market hall, museum & old market square; St Mary's & St Alkmund's churches & environ, Wyle Cop; Town Walls & its side streets, Shrewsbury Abbey & Abbey Foregate; Shrewsbury school as seen from the river; Shrewsbury castle, library & station; Frankwell; riverside walks & bridges

• Rowleys House

Why do you say this?

No modern building can replace the history of a town. Too many old buildings were lost in the 1960s and 1970s; let's not make the same mistake again.

Thinking about new development in the town, what would you most like to see?

  1. Shops

  2. Bars and restaurants

  3. Green space

  4. Places to sit and relax

  5. Leisure activites

  6. Places to socialise

  7. Homes / residential

  8. Office / co-working spaces

On the question of homes, what type of housing would you like to see in the town?

• Converted buildings into flats

• Converted buildings into houses

Looking at the six images, which one captures 'Shrewsbury' best for you?

n buildings by river

River: Buildings and spires

Why do you say this?

Tranquil with the river and characteristic old buildings

Looking at the four images of houses, which building type says 'this is Shrewsbury?'

Housing on a street

Different housing types

Why do you say this?

Because it characterises the town.

Looking at the same four images of houses, which one would you change?



What would you change?

Not build it or make it more like the "apartments under retail" with red brick facing, pitched roofs and smaller windows.

Looking at the six images of commercial or civic buildings, which one says 'this is Shrewsbury?'

high street

Retail shops on High Street

Why do you say this?

Attractiveness and historical value.

What would you change?


What aspects contribute to a well-designed building?

• Appropriate/quality materials

• Responding to local character

• Responding to heritage

• Appropriate scale and height

• Architectural details

• Doors and windows or shopfronts facing the street

• Accessible entrances

• Environmentally sustainable

• Diversity in roof form

• Diversity in use

Which of the four street images best says 'this is Shrewsbury'?

high street

High Street

What would you change?


Which of the four public open spaces best says 'this is Shrewsbury'?

Bear Steps, Butcher Row

Bear Steps, Butcher Row

What aspects contribute to a well-designed street or public open space?

• Well defined with shops and buildings

• High quality materials

• Good lighting

• Trees and planting

• High quality street furniture such as places to sit, bins

• High number of parking spaces / parking for blue badge holders

• Accessible paving

What do you like or not like about Riverside?

It floods

What do you like or not like about Frankwell?

I like it as it is - it has character and seems alive.

What do you like or not like about the West End?

I like it as it is - it has character and feels alive.

Do you have any specific interest in Riverside, Frankwell Quay and West End?

I live in Frankwell and walk through the other areas frequently.

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over 1 year ago


What aspects of the town make Shrewsbury great?

• Its historic buildings

• Green space

• Its bars and restaurants

What buildings and public spaces say 'this is Shrewsbury'?

• Victoria Quay

• Mardol (the Street)

• Rowleys House

• The Quarry

Thinking about new development in the town, what would you most like to see?

  1. Green space

  2. Places to sit and relax

  3. Places to socialise

  4. Leisure activites

  5. Bars and restaurants

  6. Shops

  7. Office / co-working spaces

  8. Homes / residential

On the question of homes, what type of housing would you like to see in the town?

• Converted buildings into houses

Looking at the six images, which one captures 'Shrewsbury' best for you?

nbuildings on Castle Street

Townscape: Castle Street

Looking at the four images of houses, which building type says 'this is Shrewsbury?'

terraced housing

Terraced houses

Looking at the same four images of houses, which one would you change?



What would you change?

Cladding is ugly

Looking at the six images of commercial or civic buildings, which one says 'this is Shrewsbury?'

high street

Retail shops on High Street

Looking at the six same images of commercial or civic buildings, which one would you change?

THE Guildhall

the Guildhall

What would you change?

Modern buildings don’t have any decorative elements anymore (see morris building)

What aspects contribute to a well-designed building?

• Responding to local character

• Responding to heritage

• Architectural details

Which of the four street images best says 'this is Shrewsbury'?

high street

High Street

Which of the four same street images would you change?

Castle Street

Castle Street

What would you change?

Shop signages/frontages should be kept to a minimum - they should only be allowed to hang a small sign

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over 1 year ago


What buildings and public spaces say 'this is Shrewsbury'?

• Rowleys House

• The Quarry

• Mardol (the Street)

• Victoria Quay

• Shrewsbury Market Hall

Why do you say this?

They all part of the true character of S'bury

On the question of homes, what type of housing would you like to see in the town?

• Converted buildings into houses

• Converted buildings into flats

Looking at the six images, which one captures 'Shrewsbury' best for you?

housing and spire tops

Roofscape: Mix of buildings and spires

Why do you say this?

Shows something of the overall character of the town

Looking at the four images of houses, which building type says 'this is Shrewsbury?'

Housing on a street

Different housing types

Looking at the six images of commercial or civic buildings, which one says 'this is Shrewsbury?'

high street

Retail shops on High Street

What aspects contribute to a well-designed building?

• Appropriate/quality materials

• Responding to local character

• Appropriate scale and height

• Responding to heritage

• Architectural details

• Diversity in roof form

• Accessible entrances

• Environmentally sustainable

Which of the four street images best says 'this is Shrewsbury'?

high street

High Street

Which of the four public open spaces best says 'this is Shrewsbury'?

Bear Steps, Butcher Row

Bear Steps, Butcher Row

Which of the same four public open spaces would you change?

Old Market Square

The Old Market Square

What would you change?

Princess House adds nothing to overall ambience of the square

What aspects contribute to a well-designed street or public open space?

• High quality street furniture such as places to sit, bins

• Low number of parking spaces / parking for blue badge holders

• Lots of activity life from surrounding usesption

• High quality materials

• Accessible paving

• High levels of pedestrian and cycle use

What do you like or not like about Riverside?

Most properties have been closed down but the proposals for their replacement that I have seen are not good

What do you like or not like about Frankwell?

It has plenty of character

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